In 2016-18 over 25% of 23,000 schools failed to trust the government about the school census expansion and refused to return new data asked for. The collection collapsed. The national data strategy must find an approach to solve the government’s harm to public trust in data collected about us and our children, and used by the State.
The 2020 audit of the Department of Education by the Information Commissioner showed that the government isn’t doing enough to prioritise data protection in the development of policy and ways of working.
To build a rights’ respecting digital environment in education by 2030 will mean making real change. And you can help us. Over 20 MPs are aged under 45 today and went to state school—so politicians might step up in their own self interests as well as every pupil. Call on your MP to support an Education and Digital Rights Act.
From now until 2030, we have some ambitious goals under the umbrella aim of building a sustainable and rights respecting digital environment in education in England and Wales and beyond.
Through achievable changes on national data actions, the government can help restore and regenerate trust in data uses by demonstrating their trustworthiness. We will