Events at which we are involved. Click on the event titles for more details




  • December 12 International Human Rights Day 2022 | Council of Europe eduTalk (online)
  • March 25 Join Jen and Hannah from defenddigitalme as we host a privacy walking tour at the Bett Show ExCeL, London
  • March 2 What you need to know about children’s data Think Digital Partners
  • February 17 The Cross Party Group for Digital Rights and Democracy, Welsh Assembly


  • January 26 Privacy Camp (online) Cryptowars: The battle for encryption
  • From March Global Campus of Human Rights MOOC
  • April 28 The EdTech Update Show: How Do You Measure Education in a Life? Re-thinking Assessment for a Digital Society
  • September 4 ResearchEd What teachers need to know about AI in the classroom: procurement, privacy and data protection
  • September 17 ODI Fridays: Data is not an avocado and why it matters to Gen Z
  • October 5 On World Teachers’ Day: a one hour panel Q&A on making digital rights a reality in the classroom [register]
  • October 13 Symposium panel: Observatory for Monitoring Data Driven Approaches to Covid-19 (OMDDAC)


  • November: Brussels international schools data protection and privacy in education (online)
  • November: Committee of Convention 108+ on Education and data protection and privacy in education (online)
  • November: Schools and Academies EdTech Summit [online]
  • October Liberal Democrats Party Conference Fringe Event panel (children’s social care algorithms)
  • September: The Big Tent Digital: the State of Data 2020. Children’s digital rights in the public sector. [link] summary [link]
  • September: The State of Data 2020: Mapping the child’s digital footprint in the education landscape in England. [online]
    June 11:
    UCL Active Citizenship Programme [POSTPONED]
    April 1:
    The Howard League Annual Confrence, Oxford Crime Justice and Social Harms (Online Harms) [POSTPONED]
    March 18: Surveilling school children: Digital privacy & education Newspeak House, London, hosted by Open Rights Group [POSTPONED]
  • March 7: With CRIN at the Tate Exchange: Ethical Use of Children’s Data: Panel Discussion at Tate Exchange [slides: download here]
  • February 6: BERA Artificial and Human Intelligence SIG event, London, UCL
  • January 22: CPDP Brussels. Data Protection, Privacy and Artificial intelligence in education, Children’s privacy in the digital age
  • January 21: Privacy Camp, Brussels, The impact of surveillance on today’s kids – tomorrow’s human rights activists

Events at which we participated in 2019

Events at which we participated in 2018

November 7: London: School Data Conference 2018
Data Dilemmas Solved: Using your pupil data with confidence under GDPR

October 13-14: London, The Barbican The Battle of Ideas
Social media: corrupting young minds?

September 8, London, ResearchEd
GDPR Q&A Drop-in Session and a whistle stop tour of what’s changing in national pupil data management and its implications

September 5, London, Big Brother Watch Report Launch

August 31-Sept 2: Ledbury, Electromagnetic Field Camp
Age Appropriate Design Online — a new UK Code of Practice [download slides, 11.3MB without backgrounds]

August 25: Uckfield, Byline Festival
Data Rights in the Hostile Environment

July 12: London
Debate: In the digital age is online privacy unrealistic? Academy of Ideas

June 2: Cheltenham, FestABLE
National Festival of Specialist Learning

May 29: Cambridge FIPR
FIPR’s 20th Birthday

May 18: Toronto, Canada, RightsCon Youth Panel

Youth Autonomy and Surveillance Culture: A Rights-based approach

April 10-11: Aberdeen, Digital Futures: places and people, technology and data, BILETA 2018

The British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association annual conference

March 12: London, House of Commons – The state of data 2018: new rights and responsibilities
Discussion of the Data Protection Bill, and including the launch of our 2017-18 report work

March 6: Preston, IRMS North Spring Event 2018
The State of children’s data in the public sector 2018, in and beyond the classroom [slides download .pdf warning – large file 30MB]

January 6: Oxford/Didcot, Equalities Conference
Labels last a lifetime: key steps towards better pupil data and why we need to take them. (download: Equalities_final_handouts.pdf [Handouts [with graphics 32 mb])

Events at which we participated in 2017

December 6-8: Berlin, OEB, Theme 2017: Learning Uncertainty
Data Protection, Privacy and Ethics in Education. Are We Ready for GDPR?

October 18: London – Westminster Higher Education Forum
Technology in Higher Education – MOOCs, data analytics and transforming the learning experience: The future for data analytics and HE

Reflecting on new legislation and policy in 2017. The possible ethical issues that could arise from recent developments in teaching and data analytics at UK universities, the importance of data protection and consent.

September 24: Brighton Labour Party Conference Fringe (secure zone)
Shaping the Future State and Society: public services, technology and you

September 17: Bournemouth Liberal Democrat Party Conference Fringe
The state of data in 2017: what will the Data Protection Bill do for you?

September 9: London – ResearchED 2017

School census: what you need to know [download handouts Session 1]
Mapping the Education Landscape [download handouts Session 2]

July 4-5: London – EEMA 2017
Privacy vs Identity – Opportunity and Challenges in Education and GDPR in England [download slides]

June 21: London – CognitionX 2017
The Impact of AI on Education. Specialist contributor breakout panel session

May 13: London – OpenTech 2017 [download presentation .pdf 6.3 MB]
23 million children’s records: School census

May 9: Brighton – Open Rights Group [download audio .pdf]
Threats to your children’s confidentiality: National Pupil Database and school census

April 10: Liverpool – ATL Annual Conference 2017
Data and a new approach to accountability

March 1: Manchester – Open Rights Group
Threats to your children’s confidentiality: National Pupil Database and school census

February 20: Bristol – Open Rights Group
The National Pupil Database and Digital Economy Bill

January 14: London – Against Borders for Children
The ABC Campaign in Context: what you should know about school census

For speaker requests, please contact us here.